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Our Beginnings:

We are a relatively new agency, opening our doors in early 2022. Our founder started Healing Hearts Foster Care Services simply because he loves children. He has a desire to make a difference in young peoples lives because someone made a difference in his own life. He knows what it is like to grow up poor and without a consistent mother—and no father. After going through significant troubles when he was growing up, he wants to meet children where they are at—in the midst of their struggles and hurts. These young people need a caring, nurturing and loving home. Longevity and stability are essential.

His desire is to teach others how to build meaningful and positive relationships—while meeting these kids where they are at—because they are people worthy of value! Children and youth experience pain just like we do!

“It is critical that we don’t look at the behaviour—but rather, look at the child beneath the pain. When we truly see the child first and all they have endured, we can then work with the behaviour.”

Why Healing Hearts?

We are all broken inside. As adults who have been through our own unique challenges, difficulties, loss, and trauma and have received healing—we now have the opportunity to help these young people find the healing they so desperately need. 

Their hearts are broken and in need of stable, consistent, nurturing, and caring foster parents that are willing to invest the time needed to bring healing in their lives—this is why we have called ourselves Healing Hearts! As foster parents—your role becomes life-changing in helping them to heal their hearts and minds. By helping them refocus their energy in a positive way and giving them the tools to make positive life choices—they have the potential to become healthy and thriving citizens in the future.

Incredibly—when you help heal someones heart—you yourself receive healing. Are you ready to partner with Healing Hearts and change a life?

Foster Children Whitby | Foster Siblings Whitby

How does Healing Hearts Stand out?

We are here to work with everybody

The young people that we work with are greatly varied—each one very deserving of our best care.

We are here to make a difference in every young person’s life

No matter where they’ve been or what they have done.

When possible, our goal is have the child return home

Be reunified with their family or next of kin—when at all possible. The ultimate decision for this return is always up to CAS. We want to ensure the home is a safe place for their return.

Our Mission

Enable life-changing fostering placements to ignite healing, self-identity and the potential of children and youth while in care.

Our Vision

Equipping children and families with what they need to overcome societal stumbling blocks, in order to enhance their growth, and to become successful. We recognize the deeply established systems of anti-black and ethnic racism in child welfare, education, health care and employment. Healing Hearts will implement an anti-ethnic lens that is trauma informed and family-centred. We offer dynamic programming that looks at identity, healing and cultural pride. Healing Hearts will assist children and youth in care to realize their full potential while providing a safe and nurturing environment.

Our Core Values

At Healing Hearts Foster Care Services our culture is governed by the following values:

  • Addressing systemic racism and anti-black racism
  • Family reunification whenever possible
  • Provide practices that are culturally specific
  • Seek to provide cultural connection & identity
  • Develop community engagement
  • Promote social inclusion
  • Strive for independence
  • Foster acceptance & belonging
Foster family Whitby | Foster Child Whitby

Our Commitment

Healing Hearts is committed to addressing anti-black and anti-ethnic racism/trauma and finding appropriate placements for children while in foster care. By respecting a child’s need for continuity of care and for stable relationships within a family, we are dedicated to provide access to culturally appropriate services through our service delivery, programming, community partnerships and staffing. We would like to offer a nurturing home, that offers consistency in care and gives a young person the ability to develop physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. 

We also believe that the core of that child and/or youth’s identity, which is rooted in culture should not diminish but strengthen while navigating this time in their life. For more information on these services, please contact us by phone or email.

How we partner with CAS

We work hand-in-hand with the Children’s Aid Society to place children and youth in caring and nurturing homes to receive the support and love they so desperately require.

Our main focus tends to be African-Canadian children but we are very inclusive. We work with any ethnic group. We do not discriminate—all children are precious and are deserving of care and love.

Some of our children have been in gangs, involved in human trafficking, experience issues with drug or alcohol, etc. We work with children and youth from a multitude of backgrounds—each of them worthy of respect and care. Every person is precious and deserving of love.

Foster Care Whitby | Fostering Whitby
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